The Fight
She: You bleepin' bleep!
He: That's not what you called me last weekend when I bleeped you
She: Yeah, that was before you bleeped my mother
He: Well, she's a whole heluva lot nicer than you, bleep!
She: Why, you bleep of a bleep! I'll kick your sorry bleep!!
With that, she curled her hand into a fist and punched him
in the face
She stepped backwards from the force and shock of it
Then he hauled off and punched her back - hard
so hard she fell down - the wind knocked out of her
As she lay stunned on the floor
he stood straddling her body with his legs
put one foot on her chest
a menacing grin on his face
He: Got anything else to say, bleep?
She squeezed her eyes shut to blink back the tears and quietly answered:
She: You...............................bleep.
All I want to say about this is that tonight I displayed my "Bad to the Bone" side and came out on top (unlike the poem). I am a very nice person, but if someone starts with me, they better be ready to fight. This was not a personal battle, but a bureaucratic disagreement. My adrenalin was coursing through my body - fight no flight. I have calmed down now and realized how mellow I really had become (except for tonight).
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunny Sunday
Saturday, we went to my coworker, Doug's wedding. It was a lovely wedding even though the weather was not very cooperative - cool and rainy. They make a great couple in so many ways - he has talked to me so much about her - in my opinion they are a perfect match. Tried to stay awake to see Saturday Night Live, but just couldn't do it, so went to bed. Today I went to a Sara Palin doesn't speak for me rally downtown - we even sang a song about it sung to the tune of the theme from the Beverly Hillbillies. It felt so good to be hanging around with like-minded women. I heard the Republicans on the radio on the way home talking about how feminists etc are turning away from Sarah Palin because they are jealous of her success - mother, successful woman in the workforce, great husband, a special needs child, breezing through criticism. For me they are so wrong. She seems like a mother, but a mother who has to let other people including her other children raise them, friends, relatives all take the kids so she can do what she does. They, of course, have lives that are not as important as hers. Despite her aspirations, she continues to have children that she doesn't have time to take care of. She should be home with her special needs child. I was professional woman who stayed home with my babies until they started school, then worked part time then eventually full-time. I had no family or friends to take care of my children and I don't like day care. We sacrificed and cut back to be able to do this. I also don't like her because when I hear her speak, she sounds like a robot who has been preprogrammed with what to say to the public. I can't possibly support such puppetness ( is this a word?) That is my biggest criticism of her - she doesn't seem smart enough and she seems as if she will be the pit bull for issues that I don't agree with her on. What does she really stand for? I have no idea. The jealousy thing is ridiculous. That actually is quite insulting. I will end with a poems for my weekend.
A declaration
My love for you is as the sea
vast, deep and constant
My love for you is as the sky
high above and endless
My love for you is as the sun
warm and oh so bright
I hear your voice in every breeze
whispers and soft melodies
'Twas ever thus and forever will be
With you alone will I be free.
My love for you is as the sea
vast, deep and constant
My love for you is as the sky
high above and endless
My love for you is as the sun
warm and oh so bright
I hear your voice in every breeze
whispers and soft melodies
'Twas ever thus and forever will be
With you alone will I be free.
A Spring Day
Lying alone on my back at the river's edge
a sunny day in early Spring
on a gray whale of a rock
listening to the musical cadence of the rushing tumbling rapids
absorbing the intense heat of the midday sun
my pores drunk with warmth
Thoughts were only of such sensations
the tingles of nature's touch
caresses from the hand of God
cares vanished - enters unfettered bliss
A small girl appears as if out of nowhere and sits beside me
we speak not a word - simply smile at each other
experiencing this moment together
Life's simple pleasures were our delight
today - on this lovely afternoon
Lying alone on my back at the river's edge
a sunny day in early Spring
on a gray whale of a rock
listening to the musical cadence of the rushing tumbling rapids
absorbing the intense heat of the midday sun
my pores drunk with warmth
Thoughts were only of such sensations
the tingles of nature's touch
caresses from the hand of God
cares vanished - enters unfettered bliss
A small girl appears as if out of nowhere and sits beside me
we speak not a word - simply smile at each other
experiencing this moment together
Life's simple pleasures were our delight
today - on this lovely afternoon
Sarah Palin,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Political Party
Hey, last night I went to a political house party for a local guy running for Congress to replace a retiring Representative. I was hobnobbing with intellectuals of the highest order - college professors, lawyers, politicians. Our candidate and another current Congressman from another state gave their pitches, we asked a few questions, then we opened our checkbooks. I must say it was quite exciting. It took me back to memories of my Dad's faculty parties at our house - I used to sit in the doorway as a child and listen to the sparkling conversations (until I was discovered). Unfortunately it was discovered later that vandals had broken windows in 5 cars that were parked on the street outside. (Our car was ok). There was talk that it was the work of this candidate's struggling opponent or his party operatives. I think the politics this year is getting rougher than I've ever seen it. I think I will end this post with another poem. I am enjoying rediscovering them.
The Dancing Queen
On the floor here comes the queen
my loyal subjects clear when I appear.
The princesses are an envious green
when the male chorus line forms
for a chance for a dance
with me.
My hair will fly
my body gyrate
with the beat - burning heat
faster spinning as the music pumps
on your back feel my thumps
can't promise not to inflict some lumps.
Stay out my way!
Give me room!
Goodbye to that gloom and doom
when the beat is sweet
Behold the dancing queen!
The Dancing Queen
On the floor here comes the queen
my loyal subjects clear when I appear.
The princesses are an envious green
when the male chorus line forms
for a chance for a dance
with me.
My hair will fly
my body gyrate
with the beat - burning heat
faster spinning as the music pumps
on your back feel my thumps
can't promise not to inflict some lumps.
Stay out my way!
Give me room!
Goodbye to that gloom and doom
when the beat is sweet
Behold the dancing queen!
Dancing Queen,
fund raiser,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Update
This weekend I was in a very bad mood. The sun was shining - it was a bit nippy, but that wasn't it. Just kind of realizing that my parents have passed on and I was very close to them. My dog died last November and my kids seem to be really out of my life for the most part. My daughter is local and was spending quite a bit of time with us, but now has a boyfriend and has sort of cut us off. I am enjoying being with my husband - we do a lot together, but I think I just feel a lot of loss. Maybe I just need to get a cat or something - I have been thinking about it. I am also tired of the election politics at this point. I just want it to be over. We did go apple picking on Sunday - Ida Reds and golden delicious. Fresh picked apples are so crisp and delicious. I also made an apple crisp when I got home - it is of course gone by now. This all seems so boring and mundane - I must leave this post with a poem.
Sad unfair crazy bad luck
Her clothes never matched
polka dots met stripes
in colorful disharmony
Her shoes never tied
quietly clicking on the floor
tripping and slipping
Those curls in her hair sprung in every direction
kinky and unkempt
flopping wildly as she trudged down the hall
that runny nose
no kleenex I suppose
Some behind her back
Some to her face
they pointed and jeered
never slowing the pace
She had no one to call a friend
talking to herself
laughing at private jokes
to this unhealthy drama there seemed no end
until that day she came no more
We all sat in silence watching the door
her very existence becoming only lore
Later we heard she was hit by a truck
Talk about your sad unfair crazy bad luck
Tom Motes said "good riddance"
I yelled back "shut up - you dumb f--k!
Sad unfair crazy bad luck
Her clothes never matched
polka dots met stripes
in colorful disharmony
Her shoes never tied
quietly clicking on the floor
tripping and slipping
Those curls in her hair sprung in every direction
kinky and unkempt
flopping wildly as she trudged down the hall
that runny nose
no kleenex I suppose
Some behind her back
Some to her face
they pointed and jeered
never slowing the pace
She had no one to call a friend
talking to herself
laughing at private jokes
to this unhealthy drama there seemed no end
until that day she came no more
We all sat in silence watching the door
her very existence becoming only lore
Later we heard she was hit by a truck
Talk about your sad unfair crazy bad luck
Tom Motes said "good riddance"
I yelled back "shut up - you dumb f--k!
Friday, October 17, 2008
More Crazy Poetry
I wrote most of my poem collection about 5 - 10 years ago and I'm not sure I could write them now. See what you think about these 2.
Death in their Leers malcontents breathe heavy at my door
hot acrid air seeping beneath curling snarling seeking
exposed naked vulnerability
attack mode revenge riot
ever misunderstanding my motives comdemnation
welcoming my deserved punishment the dedicated wounded souls hacked
through clawing kicking death in their leers
righteousness in their hearts swirling savagely around me ripping at my pale wicked flesh flogging squeezing a worthless life
made breathless lifeless sacred retribution
Never Lie (a song) - no music written for it yet
Girl, it's not that I want to be free
it's just that I can clearly see
that I'm not good enough for you even though you think our love is true
These aren't the words I want to hear
Why don't you sit me down, buy me a beer risk the sliding of a tear and say
Baby, you and I are through
Just don't want you -
what can I do?
Instead you tell me I'm the best
So much nobler than the rest
Deserve a different better guy
Man, I hate it when you lie
These aren't the words I want to hear
Please sit me down, buy me a beer risk the sliding of a tear and say
Baby, you and I are through
Just don't want you -
nothin' can I do.
The moral of this story is if you wanna leave don't introduce her to Steve
but kiss her cheek and say goodbye
thanks for the good times let her plead -
let her cry but whatever you do - never lie!
Sit her down - buy her a beer
Risk the sadness - the heartbreaking tear but whatever you do - never lie!
Death in their Leers malcontents breathe heavy at my door
hot acrid air seeping beneath curling snarling seeking
exposed naked vulnerability
attack mode revenge riot
ever misunderstanding my motives comdemnation
welcoming my deserved punishment the dedicated wounded souls hacked
through clawing kicking death in their leers
righteousness in their hearts swirling savagely around me ripping at my pale wicked flesh flogging squeezing a worthless life
made breathless lifeless sacred retribution
Never Lie (a song) - no music written for it yet
Girl, it's not that I want to be free
it's just that I can clearly see
that I'm not good enough for you even though you think our love is true
These aren't the words I want to hear
Why don't you sit me down, buy me a beer risk the sliding of a tear and say
Baby, you and I are through
Just don't want you -
what can I do?
Instead you tell me I'm the best
So much nobler than the rest
Deserve a different better guy
Man, I hate it when you lie
These aren't the words I want to hear
Please sit me down, buy me a beer risk the sliding of a tear and say
Baby, you and I are through
Just don't want you -
nothin' can I do.
The moral of this story is if you wanna leave don't introduce her to Steve
but kiss her cheek and say goodbye
thanks for the good times let her plead -
let her cry but whatever you do - never lie!
Sit her down - buy her a beer
Risk the sadness - the heartbreaking tear but whatever you do - never lie!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Columbus Day Weekend

Canadian tuxedo,
Columbus Day,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
After the debate
Well, I watched the debate last night. There were times when McCain was rambling that I had to cover my ears. He almost sounded like he had the same debate/interview teacher as Sarah Palin. I thought Obama was so much more organized in his responses so that you could at least understand in most circumstances what his plans were in important areas like energy, health care, economy, even foreign policy. There were times that neither candidate answered the question asked - reverting to their usual policy statements that did not address the specific concern of the questioner. I actually thought McCain did better in the first debate - I gained more respect for his knowledge of foreign policy. In this one, he appeared old, confused and unable to make clear what his policies were going to be. Combined with Sarah Palin's nasty attacks on the stump about Barack Obama's associations with supposed terrorists etc, I think the McCain campaign has an uphill battle and I will do everything in my power to give Obama and the Democrats a chance to fix the mess we are in. I hope everyone gets out and votes and votes for Obama/Biden.
Sarah Palin
Monday, October 6, 2008
Case of the Mondays
Well, here I am at my lunch hour eating a fake chicken patty with baby spinach, mustard and a mega multi grain roll and some dried figs. This is the first time I have tried the meatless chicken and I MUST say it is pretty darn good. In keeping with my new vegan status, I just finished the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" in which the author explores the human species as an omnivore and the implications of that regarding what we eat and how what we eat gets to our tables. It was helpful to me in confirming that my decision to become a vegan is the right one for me. Yesterday my daughter and I went to a Farm Sanctuary near Watkins Glen - petted cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and turkeys. They all had names and it was a wonderful experience. All these are animals rescued from slaughter and will live the rest of their natural lives being taken care of on the Farm. Individuals can sponsor a farm animal to help defray costs and support the efforts for the ethical treatment of animals. The more people I tell I am a vegan (even doctors), the more I realize that I am joining what many people consider an extreme radical lifestyle. I only see that I have been educated about what goes into my mouth and how it got to the restaurant or the grocery store, how certain food impacts my health and how raising farm animals for slaughter adds to global warming. I guess I can't understand how so many others can remain ignorant. If being a vegan makes me a radical, I am happy to take that label on.
Farm Sanctuary,
global warming,
Ominvore's Dilemma,
Watkins Glen
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday at home
Today is a partly cloudy day and chilly - I feel sort of partly cloudy myself. The weather definitely affects my mood. Today makes me think of what's coming - the cold and blowing snow, the bitter chill that goes right to the bone. The older I get the more I find it unpleasant. Sometimes it almost feels painful to get dressed and undressed - such a shock to my system. This past summer we went to Virginia Beach and the heat from the air just soaked into my body and warmed it up with such an intensity from my little toe to the top of my head, through my muscles and bones. It was magnificent. I hope to move to a warmer climate when I retire (and before that visit somewhere warm at least for a week in the winter. 2 years ago went to Miami - fantastic, amazing, almost like being in an interesting foreign country. I even got to practice my Spanish - I haven't lost it completely. Well, that's enough rambling for today - gotta get moving and stop feeling sorry for myself, eh?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My Poetry - a Sample
My poetry is not necessarily autobiographical - just vignettes of life that I see around me and how it touches me. Some are sad, some poignant, some irreverant, some merry - This one is a sort of sad poignant one.
*BEEP* Hey, Joe, honey, non-actions speak louder than words you haven't called me in a week Did you lose my number?
I always told you to look on the men's room wall -- for a good time -- yeah, that's me. that always got a laugh before, remember? (nervous laughter then a pause)
Was it that look of disappointment on my face when you forgot my birthday?
Hey, man, I know we ain't serious you got no worries there
It's just that ...... Oh, never mind..... Anyway, I'm here all night .... if you get the urge, you know .... you know where to find me. *CLICK*
*BEEP* Hey, Joe, honey, non-actions speak louder than words you haven't called me in a week Did you lose my number?
I always told you to look on the men's room wall -- for a good time -- yeah, that's me. that always got a laugh before, remember? (nervous laughter then a pause)
Was it that look of disappointment on my face when you forgot my birthday?
Hey, man, I know we ain't serious you got no worries there
It's just that ...... Oh, never mind..... Anyway, I'm here all night .... if you get the urge, you know .... you know where to find me. *CLICK*
answering machine,
voice mail,
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