Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday at home

Today is a partly cloudy day and chilly - I feel sort of partly cloudy myself. The weather definitely affects my mood. Today makes me think of what's coming - the cold and blowing snow, the bitter chill that goes right to the bone. The older I get the more I find it unpleasant. Sometimes it almost feels painful to get dressed and undressed - such a shock to my system. This past summer we went to Virginia Beach and the heat from the air just soaked into my body and warmed it up with such an intensity from my little toe to the top of my head, through my muscles and bones. It was magnificent. I hope to move to a warmer climate when I retire (and before that visit somewhere warm at least for a week in the winter. 2 years ago went to Miami - fantastic, amazing, almost like being in an interesting foreign country. I even got to practice my Spanish - I haven't lost it completely. Well, that's enough rambling for today - gotta get moving and stop feeling sorry for myself, eh?

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