Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunny Sunday

Saturday, we went to my coworker, Doug's wedding. It was a lovely wedding even though the weather was not very cooperative - cool and rainy. They make a great couple in so many ways - he has talked to me so much about her - in my opinion they are a perfect match. Tried to stay awake to see Saturday Night Live, but just couldn't do it, so went to bed. Today I went to a Sara Palin doesn't speak for me rally downtown - we even sang a song about it sung to the tune of the theme from the Beverly Hillbillies. It felt so good to be hanging around with like-minded women. I heard the Republicans on the radio on the way home talking about how feminists etc are turning away from Sarah Palin because they are jealous of her success - mother, successful woman in the workforce, great husband, a special needs child, breezing through criticism. For me they are so wrong. She seems like a mother, but a mother who has to let other people including her other children raise them, friends, relatives all take the kids so she can do what she does. They, of course, have lives that are not as important as hers. Despite her aspirations, she continues to have children that she doesn't have time to take care of. She should be home with her special needs child. I was professional woman who stayed home with my babies until they started school, then worked part time then eventually full-time. I had no family or friends to take care of my children and I don't like day care. We sacrificed and cut back to be able to do this. I also don't like her because when I hear her speak, she sounds like a robot who has been preprogrammed with what to say to the public. I can't possibly support such puppetness ( is this a word?) That is my biggest criticism of her - she doesn't seem smart enough and she seems as if she will be the pit bull for issues that I don't agree with her on. What does she really stand for? I have no idea. The jealousy thing is ridiculous. That actually is quite insulting. I will end with a poems for my weekend.
A declaration

My love for you is as the sea
vast, deep and constant
My love for you is as the sky
high above and endless
My love for you is as the sun
warm and oh so bright
I hear your voice in every breeze
whispers and soft melodies
'Twas ever thus and forever will be
With you alone will I be free.
A Spring Day

Lying alone on my back at the river's edge
a sunny day in early Spring
on a gray whale of a rock
listening to the musical cadence of the rushing tumbling rapids
absorbing the intense heat of the midday sun
my pores drunk with warmth

Thoughts were only of such sensations
the tingles of nature's touch
caresses from the hand of God
cares vanished - enters unfettered bliss

A small girl appears as if out of nowhere and sits beside me
we speak not a word - simply smile at each other
experiencing this moment together
Life's simple pleasures were our delight
today - on this lovely afternoon

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

Well, that's funny, I didn't know you were a woman. I had seen your name, read some of your posts, but hadn't looked at your profile.

I agree with everything your wrote about Palin. Does this mean you are for Obama?