Friday, December 19, 2008


Today the big snow machine in the sky is working double time. We got out of work at noon so that we could all make it home safely. My picture of apples and pears at my kitchen window is my choice of pic because it reminds me of summer when the sun was streaming in right there. It's kind of funny, but even though I am angry at the snow, the cold, the wet, the ice, the winter paraphenalia, I am a little more patient with it this year. Some of it has to do with making sure I have good supplies - a good car scraper, some warm boots, hat, coat and gloves and just taking it one day at a time. The only thing that happened lately that I want to mention was the death of a young lady from our community. She was only 28 years old and died of causes of which I did not find out. When it happened she was laying in her husband's arms. I know the husband too. Going to the calling hours was a sad but essential thing. I still feel very sad about it.
The tree lights are twinkling on Christmas Eve
All the presents are wrapped and ribboned and labeled
But the evening is strangely cold and quiet
Where there was laughter, there are sliding tears
Our favorite music softly lulling me with its poetry and harmony
I thought of the silver necklace selected with care
the books on philosophy, animals and how to make a pizza
She always knew how to make me smile - to forgive myself
I was never brave - she was the bravest of all - my darling - my love
The next thing I knew the daylight arrived - under the tree I had slept
Alone and grieving - an unexpected way to end such a promising start!
Goodbye, my darling - your angels called you home
The world without you is not one I own.
A week before Christmas and sometimes there is sadness.

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

Snow here too. We go whole winters in the Willamette Valley and never snow, and we've had a good covering twice this week.

I enjoyed your poem.