Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hump Day

This week is flying by. Went to my niece's baby shower last Saturday and had such a fun 'girl' day. In fact, I was a bad girl - cheated at all the games and helped my great niece win one of them so she could get the prize. I had a nice long talk with my sister - don't get to do that very often. We are both having trouble dealing with our parents' deaths just about 3 years ago. She and I are very different people and don't have too much in common (except for music), but we both loved our parents with the same passion. The week since then has been flying by, weather getting cold and gray - UGH!!! My veganism is still making me happy - makes my shopping decisions so easy and my choice of restaurants. A local vegan restaurant is becoming my second home for food when I don't prepare it myself. Well, that's all the news for now. I think I will end with another poem:

The gray landscape was all around me
Reminding me - taunting me - challenging me -
Make some soup - hot tea - cocoa - comfort steamy food
Long johns, big fluffy scarves, wool mittens
Storms- snow - shivering - running with my eyes closed
Warning me to brace myself for the barren icy season to come

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

I didn't know you were a vegan. I became a vegetarian in the early '80s in Mississippi, and was the only one I knew. Veganism is another level though, and I don't know that it is a healthier one--more humane, certainly, and more ecologically sustainable in our modern world, but I don't know about healthier.

Being yourself in a conforming world must represent an even greater challenge. At least with staying on a given diet, you know when you've succeeded.