Monday, September 22, 2008

High School Reunion

Went to my high school reunion this past weekend and it was interesting to see people I used to know, but haven't talked to in a very long time. However, it was sort of depressing to note that so many had been divorced and remarried (some several times), divorced and single or never married. Our slide show included about 15 people that have died. Also, there were many in attendance who did not remotely look or act like I remember them in high school. I have to admit I was pretty focused on academics and music at that time and thus kind of insulated myself from the social scene. Once I graduated, I have not lived in the community I grew up in - having lived in Boston and back to Central NY eventually, but not in my old town. It was a somewhat disconcerting evening. On Sunday - went to a calling party to make calls for Obama. At first, it was uncomfortable making phone calls, but after a few, I felt more confident and happy to be doing something to actively help the cause.


Snowbrush said...

I was happy to find your blog. It's hard finding blogs where people speak from the heart--as least that has been my experience.
I graduated high school in Mississippi 41 years ago (I'm in Oregon now), and i have no idea who is dead from my class. I'm never seriously tempted to go to a reunion though as I figure that the kids I would most like to see are either (a) dead or (b) not likely to go to reunions.

Emily Garrett said...

Thanks for responding. I am a new blogger, so I wasn't sure if anyone reads these things. I thought I was going to enjoy my reunion because I think I look pretty good for my age and that did turn out to be true. But, I was unprepared for how little I really cared about talking to anyone - it took a supreme effort. Unlikely I will attend another - that part of my life is now just a distant memory.