Monday, March 23, 2009

Meat Free Day Last Friday

I was excited to hear about the Meat Free Day last Friday. Since I am a vegan, this would not be difficult for me, but since I am, I wanted to celebrate! My husband and I met for lunch at our favorite vegan restaurant. I had soup, sandwich and dessert and he had waffles with fruit and real maple syrup. We didn't have noisemakers or banners or T-shirts, but just sat in the table by the sunny window, listened to the cool tunes playing and had a great time. Hope everyone had a great Meat Free Day. I have been thinking about my relationship with food lately and realized that since my reasons for being a vegan are more than just animal cruelty, even if there were no more factory farms and animals we eat were treated more humanely, I would still be a vegan. I guess all the cows and pigs and chickens would be pets or just roam wild like the horses on that island in the South. I think reading Thoreau has a lot to do with it. Eating animal products is so messy, dirty and prone to bacteria growth. When I think about this particular aspect alone, I can't imagine ever eating meat again. It gives me something to believe in - and support. I thank my daughter for showing me the light - in her own quiet way, she changes the world. Go Veg!!!!!!!

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