I saw Ann Coulter on the Today show this morning and will someone give this woman a hug? She is obviously distraught and paranoid about the news media, liberals etc. That segment was probably one of the most laughable and BORING interviews I have ever seen. She apparently blames every problem we have in this country on single mothers. The great thing is that in the past (before Obama), this would have made me angry because it is so ridiculous and there are ignorant people in the world that may believe. But now that Obama is there, she just looked pitiful to me - desperate. Anyone who truly thinks they know a simple solution to such a complex problem will never help the situation by ranting and raving about it. So, therefore, her importance and credibility as a person to listen to is just BORING - not worthy of my attention. The think that did irk me was the cross she wore around her neck. I was raised as a Christian and I was not taught that scapegoating, yelling and intolerance were part of the teaching of Christ. I would love to know which Christian Church she belongs to that advocates this sort of behavior. Just needed to talk about this a little. Now that I have, I can only ask that someone who knows her and cares about her find her today and give her a hug and tell her everything will be all right if she just has a little patience. "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness". Here are my final words - a little poem/song I wrote a few years ago - to end on an upbeat!!
The Chum Song
Do you ever feel down? Do you ever feel blue
like somebody somewhere just pissed on you?
Don't bow your head or fall to your knees
Ya just gotta know you can call on me!
I'm your chum and I'll stick to you like gum
chew chew chew the fat ya know you can tell me that
What are friends for?
When the bloom is off the rose and you want to suck the hose
your sister's in the bathroom and you gotta blow your nose.
Just point your chin high straighten out your back
I'll make it so damn easy to keep your life on the track
I'm your chum and I'll stick to you like gum
chew chew chew the fat ya know you can tell me that
What are friends for?
A chum is just a pal not a mum or dad or cat
who knows you and still loves you when you strike out twice at bat
when you wear a funny hat or get grumpier and fat .... who else could take all that?
Just your chum and I'll stick to you like gum
chew chew chew greasy old fat ya know you can tell me that
That's what friends are for.
Yeah, that's what friends are for.
Anne Coulter. The phrase "lean and mean" comes to mind, and you would be no safer hugging her than you would my blue heeler.
Interesting song, you wrote there.
Yes, I have (unfortunately) seen her on talk shows, and she pretty much disgusts me. However, I agree that she is also mostly just boring. Most of her arguments make no sense. I think she is living in some sort of conservative delusional world. Crazy to think that people like her exist, and are given airtime.
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