OK - here are my questions to the Republican Party after hearing Rush on the news saying he hopes Obama fails. Unpatriotic and sensational - just what we need in this country. Shouldn't we be using our moral and ethical side to be part of something greater than ourself - work together to solve problems - you know act according to the golden rule in everything we do? Is this too wimpy now when lots of money and fame etc are what makes us worthy? Whether Republicans like it or deserve it, Rush is a spokesman for them - many who listen to him don't consider him just an entertainer. Is this what Republicans want? Anyway, today I heard Rush say Obama shouldn't trash talk the economy. If he doesn't like trash talk, why is he trash talking Obama, especially when he has been President for a few days. Give me a break! Republicans in my mind (whether deserved across the board or not) right now stand for Wall Street greed, fiscal irresponsibility and NO explanation of how their tax cut plans to fix the economy work. Based on common sense spending rules, you take in revenue, you spend it on the areas you deem necessary/important, if your spending exceeds your revenue, you generate more revenue or cut back. How does a tax cut fit into this equation. I think you should help the American people understand how your economic solution of cutting taxes helps the economy. It is counterintuitive. If it helps businesses by giving them more reason to build their businesses in the USA and create jobs - I think that is the idea. However we have seen over the last 8 years, when tax cuts favored business, those unregulated businesses created jobs overseas, gave bonuses etc and the so-called trickle down economics did not work. How do you expect the American people to buy the old news 'tax cut' strategy? Didn't we just prove it did NOT WORK! Come on guys - work with Obama - and if you disagree with him, help the American people understand how your differences with him are any improvement over what happened over the last 8 years. Come on, please - you are public servants - do your job!!!! Get rid of the trash talkers, PLEASE! It just doesn't help - we need to solve ourproblems.