Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Changing Your Diet Can Help Save the Planet

Last year I researched and created a flyer called "Changing your diet can help save the planet." I was asked to do this by an environmental community group for a table at an event we were sponsoring. The reason they asked me to do it was because I brought it up as an issue during the large group meeting. The information being sought was ideas about what could be communicated to the public about the environment. I knew that even environmental activists were probably not comfortable with the food production issues. Because of this, I struggled with even bringing it up. But I felt strongly about it and decided to risk it. Many of them were concerned that people don't like to be told what to eat (including them). Somehow it seemed easier to tell people what to drive, how much energy to use etc. But, I spoke to the chairperson and she really did want me to pursue this and I told her I would try to be as factual and informational as possible without being strident. She liked it and we used it. 

Here is the result: