Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Vegan Potluck

The Vegan Potluck was a wonderful success. There were about 10 people on the new patio - veggie dogs and burgers grilling on the Weber - lots of yummy side dishes to complement. Most of the guests were either vegan or vegetarian, but the People for Animal Rights group (the activity sponsor) does not have any requirement about diet - only a concern for animals. There was a couple who was neither and they seemed to be surprised how tasty and interesting the food choices were.
The biggest hit was the veggie dog - just about everyone who had tried a grilled one wanted a second. Since I underestimated the number of folks who would want one, I ran out of regular hotdog buns and had to provide bread or burger rolls. This problem did not seem to stop of flow of requests. "Whodathunkit"? (with apologies to Mary McCarthy's "The Group").  The time flew with the effortless flow of conversation between and among those who have something in common - their love and concern for animals.

Everyone was admiring the prominent location cat condo (3 stories tall). I spared no expense to pamper our rescued felines. Used my new toy - iphone docking station with nice speakers to provide the mood music - used my stations on Pandora radio. Started with Edith Piaf, moved on to Sarah Brightman and ended with Tony Bennett - lots of singing along with the Tony songs (probably indicative of the average age of the group :-)
So to end - I say - "wish you were here" and "let your compassion be your guide."