Monday, April 9, 2012

Talking about Pink Slime

OK - Here it is - the finely textured beef otherwise known as pink slime that has been making all the headlines! I have to be honest and agree with John Stewart of the "Daily Show" that if you are eating all the other meat products that are available to us like hotdogs, sausage and chicken mcnuggets etc, is this really any different? In a way, it diverts attention from the real problem of the industrialized production of our food. A good discussion of this is right here. (The tweet indicated "the meat industry be dealt a fatal blow if every omnivore watched this):

MSNBC's Chris Hayes hosts roundtable on Pink Slime

All I really have yet to say is that when I hear these things about pink slime, ammonia, chickens on caffeine, pain killers and antidepressants, it reinforces all the reasons why I don't eat meat. YAY!!!