Lately I seem to have been just plugging along with my life and not really feeling the need to say anything. I saw this picture of a mother tiger and cub and it inspired me to post to my blog. It reminded me of how I start every day now with my cats. Dylan and Gwyneth greet me every morning knowing that they will be the recipients of a full body brushing and cooing words of endearment. Dylan holds his head to the side and likes to scrape the side of his head against the bristles. He presents both sides of his face to me one at a time to get equal coverage. Gwyneth just presents first her sides then her back to me for a thorough treatment. All the while, they are both purring and trilling so loudly surrounding me and waking up all my senses at once. Dylan's brush is blue and Gwyneth's is pink - highly conventional but since this all happens before I have had my morning coffee - easier for me to remember. When I am doing this, I guess I feel like the tigress in the picture - grooming and bonding with my little ones. I read Temple Grandin's book "Animals Make us Human" - I learned so much about animal behavior and especially how they communicate with each other and with humans. So, every day I start out cranky, but spending those few minutes with my sweet kitties gives me what I need to face one more day with a positive attitude. Hug your pet today a little bit longer and a little bit more often. Cheers!